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Introduction to Web Development [Chapter 2]

Introduction to Web Development [Chapter 2]

In this chapter we are going to discuss the most important thing that is the sub-categories in web development and their technologies respectively.

Web Development is sub-categorised into three sections called Front-End, Back-End and Full Stack Development.

Lets dive deep into these subcategories one by one.

Front-End Development: In simple words, the website that the user sees or we may say the user interface of the website is Frontend. It is also called client-side development.

Back-End Development: This is the opposite side of frontend that the user can not see. It is also called server-side development.

Full Stack Development: This can be said as the combination of both- Frontend and Backend development.

Let's get into technological details and learning resources. You should learn the below mentioned technologies in a sequential manner.

Front-End Development

Technologies to learn:

HTML: HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language.

CSS: CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

JAVASCRIPT: JavaScript is a Programming language that is widely used in Web development. We mostly use it to make the website dynamic.

BOOTSTRAP: Bootstrap is the most popular framework used for developing responsive and mobile-first websites and it has a huge demand in the market.

After learning the basics you may go for different popular libraries or frameworks that are there to make the Frontend development experience easy and smooth.

That’s it for now.

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