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These python programming language facts will blow your mind.

These python programming language facts will blow your mind.

Python is one of the easiest to learn and uncomplicated to use programming languages in the world. It is also said that life is short so use python. This blog has something different to tell you about python that will probably blow your mind. Don't believe it? let us dive into the facts.

1. Python is not named after the snake but it is named after the British Television Show. Yes, you read it right! People often confuse its name with the snake which is not at all true rather it was named after a T.V. show called 'Monty Python's Flying Circus'. The fact is that the inventor of this popular programming language was a great fan of the previously mentioned television show and it is therefore named after that.

2. Python is not as young as you may think.  In fact, it is older than Java too.

3. Python has so many variants that you can use for various purposes. Some popular ones are Jython, IronPython, CPython, RubyPython, MicroPython, etc.

4. Python has various and huge domain applications in the market like it can be used for Web Development purposes, Web Scraping, Data Analysis, IoT, Machine Learning and much more and this makes it one of the most widely used programming languages in the world right now.

5. Top tech giants in the market also use python due to its mind-blowing features. Some of the tech giants that use python are Google, Facebook, IBM, Mozilla Firefox, Walt Disney, Netflix, etc.