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Top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021.

Top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021.

Preface : 

If you are one of those who are planning to learn a programming language but don't know which one, then this article might help you in deciding what to learn among hundreds of programming languages that have been in the market for years. There are many programming languages out there that make it challenging to select one.

Most programming languages out there have made their place for years and still they have made sure to stick to that place or  just moved slightly up or down in the list. But in 2021, programming languages have become so much popular and useful for various different kinds of domains. So today in this particular blog I will be talking about top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021. So without wasting any more time let's get started.

First things first, programming languages have evolved so much in recent years that it is no doubt that they are so demanding nowadays. Due to such a high demand for programming languages in the market people often think about learning these programming languages and in search of the best programming language they tend to waste their time. So, this article will be mentioning some of the best programming languages out there so that it becomes easy for you to start your programming journey.

Please note that these rankings are solely based on my research and are just for the purpose of information.

So, according to my research, no.1 position is grabbed by C programming language while no.2 position is grabbed by none other than python while no.3 position is grabbed by Java followed by C++ followed by JavaScript.

Let's talk about the applications of the above mentioned programming languages in different domains.

C : 

If you have ever noticed the Operating system, or the games that we play often then you might know that the most important factor in these domains is speed and quick response of our actions. These two parameters are so important that they can even make or break the popularity of any game. And here comes the C programming language which is very popular in this domain as it is one of the fastest programming languages out there because of its close resemblance to the machine level code and one of the most preferred programming languages when it comes to game development and OS development. Here are some major real world applications of C programming language:

1. Operating System Development. 

2. Graphical User Interfaces development.

3. Drivers for Embedded Systems development. 

4. Games Development.

Hence, the C programming language in spite of being so old is still leading the market in many of its applications.


Python is one of the most easy to learn programming languages out there due to its very easy syntax most probably. Moreover, It has various applications in different domains.Some applications of Python are:

1. Data Analytics. 

2. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. 

3. Web Development. 

4. Data Visualization, etc.

Click here to know some amazing facts about Python.

Java : 

Java is a very popular programming language and it is very widely used in the market. Java is famous for its Object Oriented applications. Some applications of Java are:

1. Web-Based Applications. 

2. Mobile Applications. 

3. Desktop GUI Applications. 

4. Enterprise Applications. 

5. Scientific Applications. 

6. Cloud based Applications and Big Data Applications, etc.

C++ : 

It is one of those few languages that are very close to the hardware hence they offer tremendous speed in processing. This is by far the most important reason of C++ being used in major domains in tech. Some of them are listed below :

1. GUI based apps. 

2. Games. 

3. Operating Systems. 

4. Database Management Software. 

5. Browsers rendering purposes. 

6. Embedded Systems program development, Compilers development, etc.


This is the time when JavaScript has gone very far as the whole full stack development of the web, now can be done with the JavaScript alone. Shocked! yes it is as true as 2+2 equals 4. Now is the best time to learn JavaScript as more enhanced features are being introduced in this beautiful programming language time and again. Some major applications of JavaScript are listed below.

1. Web Development.

2. Server Development using JavaScript Frameworks.

3. Smartwatch applications development.

4. Slideshows and Presentations.

5. Client side validations, etc.

Hope this article has helped you in expanding your knowledge. Thank You.